Sermon Archive (Page 51)

Sermon Archive (Page 51)

Hebrews 10:1-18

One for All; Once for All Note:  This sermon was preached by Josh Black, who was Associate Pastor at First Evangelical Free Church, Wichita, in 2010.  He is now Lead Pastor. We’ve been studying Hebrews for 16 weeks now.  The author spends the first 10 chapters making an argument that Christ is absolutely supreme; he is greater than all things.   Christ is superior to angels, to Moses, to Joshua, to Aaron and the whole Levitical priesthood.  The new covenant Christ mediates is superior to the…

Hebrews 10:19-25

Privilege Demands Responsibility We have come to the end of the portion of the book of Hebrews that is primarily theological and enter today into the portion that is primarily application.  I say “primarily” because the author has been sharing practical application of his arguments all along, as seen in his frequent warnings and in his numerous encouragements to draw near to God and to persevere in the faith.  But in chapter 10 and verse 19 he uses the word “therefore” to…

Hebrews 10:26-39

Will It Be Apostasy or Perseverance?   Introduction:  The problem of the heathen is one that everyone of us has wrestled with at some point, and I dare say some here this morning probably find it a persistent roadblock to faith.  “What about those who have never heard?  Is it fair for God to send them to Hell?”   I raise that issue today, not because I am going to try to resolve it or even address it directly, but rather to highlight the fact…

Hebrews 11:1-7

God’s Hall of Faith:  The Gallery of the Ancients Note:  This sermon was preached in St. Louis many years before the series in Wichita.  The text was divided up differently, so this sermon is briefer than the others.                                                         Americans go in big for Halls of Fame.  I’ve never visited one, but I have always wanted to go to Cooperstown.  And I wouldn’t mind going to the Football Hall of Fame.  But I didn’t realize just how prolific Halls of Fame are until the reference service at…

Hebrews 11:8-22

God’s Hall of Faith: The Gallery of the Patriarchs I have always loved to visit the great museums of the world.  I once spent an entire week just going from one museum to another in Europe.  It’s probably because I have always loved history, and it’s in museums that history has been preserved for posterity.   In a sense Hebrews 11 is a museum of faith, or perhaps better, a Hall of Faith, which the believer is invited to explore.  There are a number…

Hebrews 11:23-31

God’s Hall of Faith: The Gallery of the Exodus and the Conquest Note: This sermon was preached by Josh Black who was Associate Pastor at First Evangelical Free Church of Wichita in 2010.  He is now Lead Pastor. Introduction:  Look at this picture (Figure 1).  What do you see?  How many of you see an old woman?  How many of you see a young woman?  They both are there (the young woman’s chin is the old woman’s nose) and we see things differently depending on…

Hebrews 11:32-40

God’s Hall of Faith: The Gallery of Israel’s Golden Age, Captivity, and Dispersion In our journey through God’s Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11, we have walked through the Gallery of the Ancients, the Gallery of the Patriarchs, and the Gallery of the Exodus and the Conquest.  But once Israel inherited the Promised Land, did the need for faith disappear?  Not at all.  It was still essential and still evident during Israel’s Golden Age, Captivity, and Dispersion.  These are the final galleries of the…

Hebrews 12:1-13

The Absolute Supremacy of Jesus Christ Many word pictures are used in the Bible to describe the adventure that is the Christian life.  It is spoken of in agricultural terms (planting and harvesting), military terms (fighting the good fight), stewardship terms (faithful management), and even slavery terms (we are bond slaves to God), but no word picture is used more frequently or effectively than that of the athlete, and particularly the runner.  The author of Hebrews follows up his brilliant exhibition…

Hebrews 13:1-6

Marks of Authentic Christianity Our time is brief today, so allow me to jump right into our text in Hebrews 13.  Up through chapter 12 the emphasis in our study of Hebrews has been largely doctrinal, focusing upon the person and work of Jesus Christ.  Scattered throughout have been severe warnings for those who neglect or turn their backs on Him.  As we come to the last chapter we find a major shift—a shift from doctrine to duty, from principle to practice. In…

Hebrews 12:12-29

Holy Living for a Holy God Note:  This sermon was preached by Josh Black, Associate Pastor at First Evangelical Free Church of Wichita in 2010.  He has been Lead Pastor since 2011. Throughout his letter the author of Hebrews urges his readers to persevere in the faith.  In chapter 12 he compares the Christian life to a race that must be run with perseverance.  As I studied our passage for this morning I began to realize that the second half of chapter 12 is…

Hebrews 13:7-25

Many years ago Allen Funt took his Candid Camera television show to an elite prep school out East, posing as a vocational guidance counselor.  Most of the students in this school anticipated being college presidents, bank presidents, or famous corporate lawyers.  The producer called the young men in one by one to give them the results of the vocational test they had taken, secretly filming their reactions.   A very fine young senior came in, veritably trembling with anticipation of the result of…

2 Corinthians 1:1, 2

Going Against the Grain Let me begin this morning by expressing my gratitude for the study month I just experienced.  When I went to St. Louis in 1984 one of the really attractive carrots the leaders there enticed me with was a 3-month sabbatical every five years.  I suspect their thinking was that within five years the church plant would either succeed to the point they could afford to let me have the sabbatical or it would fail and they wouldn’t have…