Job 42

Job 42

SERIES: The Book of Job

Epilogue to the Book of Job

SPEAKER:  Brad Harper

Note: Brad Harper preached this sermon on September 26, which was the Sunday after my serious car accident with a horse.  We do not have the manuscript of this sermon, but the audio is available.  Below is the outline.

Introduction:  We come this morning to the close of our four-month study of the Book of Job.  The Epilogue is a welcome conclusion to the troubling ordeal God has put Job through, but it creates some major difficulties for the thinking observer.

The transformation of Job’s character (1-6)

         From shallow faith to unconditional trust

         From uninformed criticism to humble acceptance

         From knowing about God to knowing God

The vindication of Job’s integrity (7-9)

         God rebukes Job’s “friends” for their counsel.

         God assigns Job to be their intercessor.  

The restoration of Job’s integrity (7-9)

         The magnitude of God’s blessing

         The incompleteness of God’s blessing

The aftermath of Job:  Three haunting questions:

         Is God unfair?

         Is God silent?

         Is God hidden?  


DATE:  September 26, 1993

Job 42
Job 40, 41